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"No War But the Class War" Committees in Canada
In the wake of the imperialist war in Ukraine, which went from being a latent conflict since 2014 to an open war last February, the Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT) has taken the initiative to set up committees to fight against the imperialist war. These committees, called No War but the Class War (NWBCW), are now participating in the ’real movement which abolishes the present state of things [1] in the four corners of the world, among others in Liverpool, Montreal, Rome, Turkey, with other committees about to be birthed in Toronto and Paris.
Already, a first public meeting organized by the Klasbatalo collective, Canadian section of the ICT, had taken place in Montreal at the very beginning of the summer concerning the housing crisis and its intrinsic link with the world economic crisis. It must be said that the mere fact of finally meeting between communists to discuss the stakes of the class struggle after several months of forced social isolation due to the covid pandemic must have been experienced by many comrades as a breath of fresh air.
The first meeting of the NWBCW-Montreal committee took place at the end of July. The theme of the meeting was the 1972 workers’ protest movement in the province of Quebec, particularly around the very combative struggles in the city of Sept-Îles, where a mass strike [2] dynamic was set in motion. One of Klasbatalo’s comrades gave a pretty politically accurate presentation of the events. The reader can always refer to the article in the journal 1919 # entitled "If we can show them, we’re capable of anything": The 1972 Québec General Strike in Retrospect [3]to get a better idea of the presentation that was basically based on this text.
Afterwards, a broader discussion was initiated. The comrades from Klasbatalo rightly made the link between the 1972 strike and the imperialist war that is going on in Europe at the moment. Indeed, it is by basing itself on its own class interests and its own economic-political demands that the proletariat can hope to stop the dynamic of imperialist war and put forward its own political program: communist revolution. In other words, it is the class struggle that ultimately dictates the course of history. In this sense, the NWBCW committees are not pacifists, but aim to transform the imperialist war into a civil war, a class war. The mass strike dynamic of 1972, which was finally and unfortunately defeated by the unions and the bourgeois state, shows the political path we have to take even today.
Therefore, we fully support and endorse this political positioning of ICT and its Canadian section. We engage with ICT on NWBCW committees as we are able and where we can.
Finally, we must emphasize the very fraternal spirit of the comrades of Klasbatalo: they welcomed us with open arms, allowed us to use their literature table to exhibit our own literature alongside that of the ICT, etc. This is an absolutely positive and serious political attitude from the militant point of view, which is in line with the historically important issues that our class, the proletariat, is currently facing.
[1] . Marx and Engels, The German Ideology.
[2] . The terms we use have political implications. We prefer the term mass strike, as used among others by Rosa Luxemburg, to the ambiguous term of general strike. The first one take account for a dynamic conception of the class struggle where every proletarians’ struggle for demands must eventually and necessarily raise the question of the conquest of political power. The second one tends to take up the apolitical and revolutionary syndicalist myth according to which it is enough for the proletarians to cross their arms and to stop the work for that capitalism falls...